“Sustainability and business go hand in hand”

“Sustainability and business go hand in hand,” states Mats W Lundberg, Head of Sustainability at Sandvik as of December 2020. As the former Sustainability Manager at business area Sandvik Materials Technology, he knows perfectly well that sustainability excellence is a business advantage.
In this episode Mats W Lundberg tells us why the holistic approach of Sandvik’s 2030 Sustainability Goals, covering the areas of circularity, climate, people and fair play, makes them so powerful. They include not only the company’s own operations but also customers and suppliers, covering the entire value chain.
“Our offering will be much stronger than our competitors when it reaches the customer,” Lundberg says and gives some concrete examples. “If you buy our product today it is great, but tomorrow it will be even better, and you should be on this voyage.”
Mats W Lundberg also talks about how to create engagement around the sustainability agenda and he is actually surprised by the level of engagement. And he explains how a strong sustainability performance, combined with honesty and transparency, will make it easier to recruit the best talents for the future.
Meet Sandvik Podcast
In each episode of the podcast Meet Sandvik you will meet different persons that give their perspective on Sandvik. Sometimes it´s an employee telling his or her story. Sometimes you will meet experts discussing how a hot topic can affect Sandvik.