Mastering manufacturing with Mastercam

Meghan West is the CEO of Mastercam, a US-based company Sandvik acquired in 2021. She believes the two companies share the same approach to manufacturing and the same passion for customers.
Mastercam is the most widely used CAM brand in the industry. Meghan West’s father started the company just two weeks before she was born and she says it is a part of who she is.
“I went to Japan with my father when I was 14 years old and I still consider it my first business trip. That was when my eyes were opened into how much manufacturing opens up the world to you,” says West.
She says being acquired by Sandvik was a bit of a chock, but it had become clear to her that it is really important to connect, network and partner with other people in the industry with the same approach to manufacturing and the same passion for customers.
“There is a lot of benefits, such as connection with resources we did not have access to before, new colleagues with amazing ideas and an understanding of where the industry is heading.”
Mastercam on the other hand are software experts with 38 years’ experience in the industry.
“We have worked hard and created some robust processes and tools. We have the most talented developers, sales teams and retailer networks in the industry. Sandvik is rather new in the software industry; we can bring our expertise and knowledge and show what has worked for us and not, which gives them a head start.”
Meghan West sees great opportunities and efficiencies that comes with digitalization of the manufacturing industry.
“There are so many pieces in the manufacturing process and the experience is rather clunky, you need to take steps between every software, process and tool. The more we can connect the data in a seamless fashion from start to finish, the less interaction the customer will need to have, there will be less errors, improved efficiency and less time needed to ensure everything is correct.”