The Prime Minister got industry advice
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Sandvik's CEO Björn Rosengren were two of the participants when this year's edition of Industridagen took place in Göransson Arena in Sandviken. A massive workshop was concluded with the Prime Minister receiving a set of sharp proposals to bring back to the Swedish Parliament.

It was a day of knowledge when companies, politicians, unions and academia gathered in Göransson Arena in Sandviken for "Sweden's largest workshop". The theme of the 2019 edition of Industridagen was Learning for Life, and throughout the afternoon more than 500 participants devoted themselves to making concrete proposals on how to develop competence during the full working life.
The proposals resulting from the workshops was submitted to Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at the end of the day.
”Society needs industry, and industry needs society. It's amazing to see so many people here and the great breadth and interest shows how significant this day has become,” said Stefan Löfven.
Before the big workshop started, several speakers had the opportunity to give their views on the topic of the day - including Sandvik's CEO Björn Rosengren and Göran Björkman, Head of Sandvik Materials Technology, Minister for Business, Industry and Innovation, Ibrahim Baylan, and Industrivärden's CEO Helena Stjernholm.
Björn Rosengren and Göran Björkman at Industridagen 2019.
“For us, the heroes of the future are the technicians and engineers who succeed in developing products and technologies that contribute to a better future. Our employees' continuous learning is the reason why we have been able to be a world leader for almost 160 years and in order to continue leading the development we need to secure our skills over time,” Björn Rosengren said during his speech.
Industridagen 2019 was arranged by the Industry Council in collaboration with the University of Gävle, the Gävleborg Region, Sandvik and The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.